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Expert MD Finder is your source for radiology experts to review medical malpractice claims. ​

Whether you need a general radiologist, or a dedicated subspecialist Expert MD Finder is where they will be.

Why ExpertMDFinder?

From years of experience with radiology malpractice litigation, we have learned that many attorneys have preferred experts that they call for case reviews. However, in recent years there have been challenges in obtaining radiology experts, and in many cases the attorney does not have a suitable expert at hand. Until now, there have been few resources available to find expert radiologists.

Expert MD Finder allows you to search our database to find the perfect expert for your case.​

All our radiologists have experience with Cleareview, the nation’s only platform for blind expert reviews for radiology claims. By using Expert MD Finder and Cleareview, you can be assured of a qualified expert, who can stand behind the objectivity of their review.